Tuesday, February 1, 2011


Probabaly the most expensive city I have ever been in but the one sleep deprived day I was there it was sweet I would love to come visit longer... only with a pocketfull of cash thought.

Yes I had to get a picture I just love their hats

And yes it was cold and I really had to go. LOL

Center of london in Piccadilly 2 blocks from our hostel,

Cant forget those doubledecker buses, Just wish I had gotten a better pick but those suckers move fast.


  1. Cool! Yeah London would be funner with a load of cash..like many places.
    DId you eat something interesting at least? (fish and chips?) hehe

  2. Everything looks amazing but this is the only city I am truly jealous of not visiting. Someday...with the Doctor...it'll happen. I'M NOT CRAZY!
